Monday, December 06, 2010

Milnerton Market:Die Plek van Verligting

There is nothing as fascinating as heading over to the Milnerton Market on a Saturday or Sunday morning. Not only can one spend hours sifting and scratching through the bits & pieces, some gems others junk, for sale but I always find myself studying the people who sell and buy there with intrigue. A true mix of cultures & personalities.

South African photographer, David Southwood, has been capturing this flea market beside the sea for a decade & has presented his study in a publication titled 'Milnerton Market' as well as exhibiting at the AVA gallery. The exhibition ends 10 December.

"Milnerton Market lies parallel to the ocean on a slim shoulder of barren land, and it could just as well be a second high-water mark. At weekends, when the place wells up again into full activity, it seems as if yet another massive wave of jumble has risen from the sea and its dark channels, rushed up over the beach, jumped the railway tracks, and emptied itself in the market grounds.
Only a close and prolonged look has made me realise that for some people the market is just this: a border zone between a place of relative comfort, on the one hand, and a place of uncertainty, on the other." David Southwood
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