Sunday, February 20, 2011

Design Indaba & the Mp3 Experiment

Yay, Design Indaba 2011 is upon us. The conference takes place 23 - 25 Feb. Simulcast tickets are still available for CPT & Jozi so hurry! The expo runs from 25 - 27 Feb. And the filmfest from 18 - 27 Feb. So much to see and do!

Today, however, get involved in "the biggest and coolest public prank Cape Town has ever seen" with Improv Everywhere. This is how it works...

  • Download the Mp3 onto a mobile device (and bring it with, but don’t listen to it beforehand!). Click here to download.
  • Meet at the park near Camps Bay beach on Sunday 20 February at 3pm. The experiment starts at exactly 15:00 so arrive early to get a good spot.
  • To avoid a massive traffic jam, please car pool, use public transport, cycle, or park and walk. Parking and traffic could be an issue!
  • Wear a red, green, yellow or blue shirt.
  • Bring a deflated balloon.
  • Be discrete – as in keep what we’re going to do a secret.
  • Round up as many friends as possible – the more the merrier! 

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