Monday, January 24, 2011

Iliso Labantu

"Apartheid has gone, but gaps in the social fabric, in our experience and understanding of each others' life remains. Iliso Labantu can make a meaningful contribution to reducing them." David Goldblatt

"Iliso Labantu is a not-for-profit organisation started by photographers who live in the townships around Cape Town. The organisation aims to provide training and opportunities for individuals to use photography as a way of documenting their lives, and those of the communities around them, and to be able to make sustainable careers for themselves as photographers."

From the Iliso Labantu team, "most of us live in the townships that surround the city bowl. We have been shooting with donated digital cameras, studying the fundamentals of photography, and meeting once a week to critique our work with professional photographers. We sell our work in the galleries and shops around Cape Town and we license our work for publication. The sales of these images help to support our families and ourselves. Some of us have been photographing for years, others are novices."

Our amazing country is so full of incredible talent and inspiration! Visit their website to find out more about them and to make a donation.

Images from the Iliso Labantu website.
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