Monday, November 08, 2010

Jane Eppel

"Jane Eppel’s work glimpses into the personal space of an artist who celebrates beauty and depth in unexpected places. Her work has been described as “quiet meditations which operate on two intersecting planes that allow the fusion of seeming opposites: privacy and accessibility, the personal and the public, the mysterious and the mundane, the spiritual and the worldly” by Prof. Neville Dubow, opening address of ‘Sanctum’.  

What I have my eye on are Jane's copperplate etchings which she has been exploring since April this year. I first discovered these at Marigold, where she has work on display.

'Orbit' | 'Circular energies' series | Etching 2010
'Orbit II' | 'Circular energies' series | Etching 2010
'Centrifuge' | 'Circular energies' series | Etching 2010
'Centrifuge II' | 'Circular energies' series | Etching 2010
'Let 'em lie' (Bruhno) | 'Let 'em lie' series | Etching 2010
'Let 'em lie' (George) | 'Let 'em lie' series | Etching 2010
'Let 'em lie' (Titus) | 'Let 'em lie' series | Etching 2010

 Jane is currently exhibiting 'Print: an exhibition of etchings' with fellow artists, at These Four Walls, 169 Lower Main Road Observatory, til 19 November, and '20 Squared' an exhibition of artworks measuring not more than 20cm x 20cm at the Dorp Street Gallery, Oude Bank, 10 Church Street, Stellenbosch.

If you're in the UK, Jane's work is also on display at London's Chagan Contemporary which aims to promote contemporary South African & British artists to an international audience.
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