Thursday, November 18, 2010

Beetle & Flor

After travelling to South America and Asia, Beetle & Flor discovered how they could put their "design services to good use" by offering their design assistance to "under-served communities who depend on making crafts as a living" but who need assistance in reaching a wider international market. "We began offering low-cost or pro bono services, spicing up traditional creations or reconfiguring designs to the "needs" of their target market, and helping with elements of branding and marketing."  To fund these low-cost/pro bono services, Beetle & Flor started producing their "North American Wildlife" series, a collection of porcelain animal skulls inspired by Christine Facella's science illustrations for the Museum of Natural History in New York. I just ♥ them.

American Beaver | Raw Porcelain with 16K Gold Lustered Teeth

White Tailed Deer | Raw Porcelain with 16K Gold Lustered Teeth

American Muskrat | Raw Porcelain with Transparent Glazed Teeth

Skunk Jaw Pendant | Raw Porcelain with 16K Gold Lustered Teeth

Raccoon | Raw Porcelain with 16K Gold Lustered Teeth

White Tailed Deer | Raw Porcelain with Transparent Glazed Teeth

Snapping Turtle | Raw Porcelain with 16K Gold Lustered Beak

Aren't they amazing?! Visit Beetle & Flor's online shop or their website for retailers.

Images from Beetle & FlorThe Otherist & The Shiny Squirrel. First spotted on The Otherist.
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